Such a generous gift on this gray misty morning! So much to take in here. A takeaway from your process comes on the form of permission...I toggle between trying to take explicit notes (even as basic as accurate titles to iPhone voice / field recordings) and being in the moment where everything has default file names and I have no idea what these sound objects are beyond what I hear.

I'd love to hear more about your mic setup - you have a permanent mic pointed outside? And just an indoor switch to pump the sounds into your space?! So simple/brilliant!!!

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thank you, kevin. no, i don't have a permanent mic setup outside but that's a great idea, i should have built it into the studio! the mic setup, in this case, as i mentioned in the post, was merely the built-in mic on the Tempera instrument. in fact, i think i use low-quality built-in mics more than i do high quality mics through a proper preamp channel. i really love the lo-fi sound that these have. the Tempera mic has great, strong gain, the mics on the Kaleidoloops, OP1, or new WoFi keyboard are the main ways i use these machines. if a piece of gear has a built-in mic i will use it first over an external mic... but then, of course, i'm "restricted" to using that machine for the looping/processing. i will go to an external mic when i'm using something that doesn't have a built-in one, want higher quality, or desire some other processing chain. my "real" mic setup isn't terribly fancy... a pair of Beyerdynamc MC930 and a pair of AKG 414BULS. i use these to mic the piano or other acoustic instruments... i do have mic preamps, from API, Retro Instruments and Universal Audio. hope some of that helps!

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Thanks for showing this side of the process! I love hearing the history and tech notes behind each compositional layer, it's like having a little private studio sesh.

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